Frequently Asked Questions

What is involved in a consultation?

Each session lasts between 45-60 minutes. The first session begins with me listening to your full story and injury history. This gives vital information and clues to the root cause of your pain. This is followed by a movement assessment where I can see how you move and how it’s influencing your pain. This is followed by some pain education, with me explaining what your pain means and what factors influence your pain. This has the potential to change your fears and beliefs about your pain. This is followed by hands-on treatment, to restore thoughtless, fearless movement within the system. I then demonstrate exercises tailored to your unique needs to build strength, resilience and confidence in the system.

What should I wear to my appointment?

It is best to wear clothes you are comfortable in. Jeans can affect range of movement so tracksuit bottoms are best in this case. Shorts may be required for certain lower limb issues. Most treatments can take place through loose fitting t-shirts unless the client is specifically looking for massage techniques.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

If you have an MRI or medical reports related to the issue, it is best to bring them along. Also, a list of current medication is helpful if on multiple medications.

How many appointments will I need?

Every case is different and the number of sessions required will depend on each case. After a thorough assessment we can discuss what will be needed and re-evaluate at each session. Generally, most cases are sorted within 4-6 sessions.

Do I need referral from a doctor?

A GP’s referral is not necessary. I can liaise with your doctor in relation to your progress if required.

How can I reduce the cost of my appointments?

Paul Kilcullen Physical Therapy is recognised by all the major health insurers. This includes VHI, Laya Healthcare, Aviva Health and Glo Health. Treatments are also covered under medical schemes with the ESB, HSF, Garda Medical Aid, PDFORA and RACO medical aid. It is advised to check your individual policy to see if you are covered.

Tax relief is available on all physiotherapy visits. This is dependent on your level of taxation. You can claim back some of the costs by filling out the Med 1 Form and submitting it to Revenue